Contact us
- Our address:
3139 Merriman Rd., Medford, Oregon 97501
- Our hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., we are sometimes closed for the lunch hour from 12 to 1 p.m. Please call the office first, during the lunch hour, to make sure we are open.
- District comments or questions:
Email Laurie at
- Lien Search Request:
- Questions about your account:
Email Margherite at or our general mailbox at
Water orders or to get a message to your Ditch rider:
Please call our District office 541-773-6127. Do not email the District regarding water orders or questions about water delivery.
For an emergency water issue after hours or on weekends and holidays, please call our office at 541-773-6127 and leave a detailed message with your name, property address, phone number and nature of the emergency or call Answer Page, 541-770-0250. Our emails are not monitored over the weekend or after hours so please do not leave emergency type messages for us via email during those times.